October 1974

October 4th, 1974

VR #031: Ransacking

October 4th, 1974 | S Grant St

Stolen: Coins, a Ruger .22 revolver, three boxes of .22 ammunition, and about one and a half boxes of 12 gauge ammunition


October 16th, 1974

VR #032: Prowler

October 16th, 1974 | S Verde Vista

This incident is missing one or more key pieces of the VR's MO and may not be related.


October 19th, 1974

VR #033: Ransacking

October 19th, 1974 | W Cambridge Ct

Stolen: Nothing stolen.


VR #034: Ransacking

October 19th, 1974 | S Oak Park St

Stolen: Coins


VR #035: Ransacking

October 19th, 1974 | W Cambridge Ave

Stolen: Some cash


October 23rd, 1974

VR #036: Ransacking

October 23rd, 1974 | S Giddings St

Stolen: .32 caliber revolver and two low-end Kodak cameras.


VR #037: Ransacking

October 23rd, 1974 | S Oak Park St

Stolen: Piggybank, coins


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